"Haneke is simply awesome! I love every single one of his films."

"Great list! But The Pope's Toilet is Uruguayan, not Brazilian."

"When I see Catherine O'Hara I immediately remember that she's Kevin's mom in Home Alone 1 & 2."

"According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Masterpiece, also known as Masterwork, is a work of art such as a painting, film or book which is done or made with great skill."

"A Few more you might add: 1,99 - Um Supermercado Que Vende Palavras Frankenstein 1970 976-EVIL"

"What about Carlito Tevez from Argentina and Franck Ribery from France?"

"Another great list of yours! May I suggest some of the films by Kubrick, Sergio Leone and Dario Argento? My favorite visual directors. Oh! And nice to see City of God here! Another Brazilian fil"

"Great list! I agree with almost all of them! And City of God as the top film of 2002? Topping The Lord of the Rings? As a Brazilian I say: Cool! heheh..."

"Tinha q ser... Jack duas vezes! hahaha... A ponta que ele fez em A Pequena Loja dos Horrores é hilária e insana tbm. XD"

"Oh yeah, those are only men! Didn't noticed at first!"

"Santoro is from Rio de Janeiro, and another Brazilian with some recognition in the US is Alice Braga, from São Paulo, she is in I am a Legend, Blindness, Redbelt (w/ Santoro), Crossing Over (w/ Harri"

"Great list and great cameos! May I suggest one? Jerry Lewis in It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World. Lots of well deserving cameos there, but Lewis is the best of them all! No lines, but what a JERK! Funny"

"'descontrole' é a palavra chave, talvez ele esteja exatamente em cima da linha entre ser um herói ou um vilão e talvez suas execuções sejam bem intencionadas e por isso mesmo ele é um vilão, o "